We are very fortunate to be born as human beings. But we aren’t perfect. We have numerous inabilities and limited capacities. Numerous mistakes and lapses have taken place in our lives due to lack of mindfulness. Some are very sagacious and intelligent. There are gifted and talented prodigies.
Some members in our human family silently enlighten us and make us aware of our inherent potentialities, accumulated throughout our previous lives, having performed numerous wholesome kamma (good deeds).
In this small piece of writing I compassionately thought of making others understand what we possess a stupendous and stunning ability within. But unfortunately many of us aren’t mindful of it.
Words we speak are very powerful. We are extremely fortunate to have the ability to express our feelings and thoughts through words, using numerous languages.
Every single parent impatiently waits to hear the first voice and the tone of his or her child. It makes them extremely delighted and joyful. If a child is weak, parents would be definitely perplexed and perturbed.
However, we must be extremely happy that we are able to express and articulate our views, thoughts and feelings perfectly. We should exercise this precious gift of speech very wisely. Because sooner or later our gifts such speech, vision, hearing, feeling and smelling will be taken away or weakened. This will be the moment of truth.
The words that we speak disclose our true character.
An old profound saying “A man’s conversation is the mirror of his heart” reminds us of the true nature of person.
Points to ponder
- One should be certain about the idea behind one’s own words before one starts expressing
- One must be mindful of every word that is written and spoken because they are very powerful.
- Words can hurt others as well as heal
Some are intoxicated and arrogant due to their academic achievements and the accomplishment of wealth. They pompously overstate and exaggerate facts which aren’t relevant to their own lives or that of others. Mostly I have noticed that the purpose of these academics is to belittle others. They impolitely and senselessly let others down by uttering insulting and abusive words. Unfortunately, we can see such behaviour in our political arena. Sometimes they boast of their paper qualifications with pride, but the words they use to speak with their family members and friends are repugnant and repulsive. None of their qualification helps them to refrain from usimg harsh words. How unfortunate it is to see them often try to deliver lectures on the subject of goodness. These people are very weak in reality despite delusively and fallaciously believing that they are superiors and exceptional.
Anger and jealousy are very dangerous lethal mental impurities which lead human beings to dreadful and monstrous states.
Words must be pleasant and soothing. They must be consoling and comforting. Inspiring and encouraging words are constructive and productive. They are called wholesome words. Bitter and harsh words are distressful and traumatic. They hurt a lot.
The great Master, Gautama Buddha encouraged people to dissuade from unwholesome acts. He persuaded them to perform wholesome deeds. If one follows his advice, one will lead to a happy and peaceful life, here and hereafter. The truth is that no one can escape ‘Karma’. No one can avoid its outcome. It is like a never departing shadow.
“Mind precedes all mental states. Mind is their chief; they are all mind-wrought. If with an impure mind a person speaks or acts, suffering follows him like the wheel that follows the foot of the ox.”
“Mind precedes all mental states. Mind is their chief; they are all mind-wrought. If with a pure mind a person speaks or acts, happiness follows him like his never- departing shadow.” (Gautama Buddha)
Once Gautama Buddha was highly appreciative of a person who had abandoned and abstained from using harsh speech. He comparing his action to honey.
“Here some person, having abandoned harsh speech, abstains from harsh speech. He speaks such words that are gentle, pleasing to the ear, and are lovable. Such words enter the heart, are courteous, are desired by many and are agreeable. This is the person whose speech is like honey,” Gautama Buddha had once said.
Once Gautama Buddha proclaimed that some people are prone to anger and are easily exasperated. Even if a person criticizes slightly he might lose his temper and becomes irritated, hostile, and stubborn, Gautama Buddha had said. The Enlightened One had added, “He who discloses irritation, hatred and bitterness is akin to a festering sore and if struck by a stick will discharge even more matter”.
Words must be pleasant and soothing. They must be consoling and comforting. Inspiring and encouraging words are constructive and productive. They are called wholesome words. Bitter and harsh words are distressful and traumatic. They hurt a lot
So these admonitions are the supportive factors to introspect oneself and to gravely understand one’s own defilements. If one honestly concentrates on one’s own freedom from suffering one will never generate any such excruciating pain in one’s heart.
The amazing veracity of Gautama Buddha’s words is very impressive. They are accepted by multitudes of people. The Great Master never pronounced any harsh or abusive words even though he was abused and insulted by uncultured and undisciplined people, belonging to different faiths and beliefs.
People who take refuge in the religion of Gautama Buddha must be very mindful of what they say. These are Gautama Buddha’s instructions for Buddhists before they select their words for speech.
“One should utter only such speech
By which one does not afflict oneself
Nor cause harm to others:
Such speech is truly well spoken.
“One should utter only pleasant speech,
Speech that is gladly welcomed.
When it brings them nothing evil
What one speaks is pleasant to others.
“Truth, indeed, is deathless speech:
This is an ancient principle.
The goal and the Dhamma, the good say,
Are established upon truth.
“The secure speech which the Buddha utters
For the attainment of Nibbana,
For making an end to suffering
Is truly the foremost speech.
(The Buddha- Samyutta Nikaya)
This article was Published in Daily Mirror newspaper on 05 October 2017