Be mindful! You may have heard this phrase innumerable times. This phrase is regularly used not only in Buddhist meditation sessions, but also in other domains and realms where everyone is engaged in some type of work such as at schools, work places (both the Government and private sector) and elsewhere in the globe.
Most people believe that mindfulness or awareness is only related or associated with meditation. This is completely fallacious and misleading. Therefore, not only members of the general public, but those who hold a similar view and guide people have made a mess out of their lives.
Mindfulness is the paramount ability in human beings to be fully present or be aware of where they are and what they’re doing and not overly react or be overwhelmed by what’s happening around us.
Mindfulness means maintaining awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, acts what we engage in and the surrounding environment every moment.
Mindfulness also involves acceptance, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging or believing in them. For instance don’t believe that there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment. When we practice mindfulness our thoughts tune into what we’re observing in the present moment rather than dwelling in the past or dreaming about the future.
Though it has its roots in Buddhist meditation, the secular practice of mindfulness entered the American mainstream in recent years. This was in part through the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn and his Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme, which he launched at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in 1979. Since that time, thousands of studies have documented the physical and mental health benefits of mindfulness in general and MBSR in particular, inspiring countless programmes to adapt the MBSR model for schools, prisons, hospitals, veterans centres and beyond.
Mindfulness is the paramount ability in human beings to be fully present or be aware of where they are and what they’re doing and not overly react or be overwhelmed by what’s happening around us
Mindfulness is intensively pragmatic and tremendously productive. Even though it isn’t a physical exercise, one extremely and constantly must be conscious of the observation and reflection.
Most people passionately concentrate on their goals and objectives only. They are pursuing material possessions and acquisitions along with superiority and eminence.This is obviously reasonable and rational from a worldly and secular context, but what I have learned is that those who pursue such goals have completely forgotten the purpose of life.
Fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, teachers, students, employers and employees (the list goes on) are responsible and liable to all individuals in their vicinity.
This is because ultimately everyone seeks inner happiness and innermost peace, hence one should not disregard and neglect others.
If one genuinely practices mindfulness he or she should never allow a single impure thought to enter one’s own mind.
Those who practice meditation and frequently observe their own thoughts never associate themselves with dangerous thoughts, which lead to agony and sorrow.
Practicing mindfulness doesn’t mean that someone concentrates only on one’s own career or profession. It means one must be completely attentive and vigilant of one’s own thoughts in the present moment.
While you pursue your goals or engage in tasks you must honestly look after your mental and physical health. The person, who wisely practices mindfulness, won’t disregard anyone. While one is concerned about his or her well-being and health, one should never forget others. People who practice mindfulness become selfless.
Owners, executives, managers and directors indefatigably strive towards achieving innumerable digits where revenues and profits are concerned. This is indescribable insatiable desire. This mental virus has created a catastrophic network and complex in the globe today. Profit based multinational companies and private corporate sectors have driven their employees towards a dreadful state of mind.
Work load, limited time frame and unfathomable expectations are extremely perilous and grave factors affecting employees. Millions of people are experiencing mental agony and heartbreak. Only a few employers contemplate on their employees, but most of them are unkind and vicious.
Lack of mindfulness will definitely lead you to a catastrophic conclusion. Unmindful and furious people have no inner peace at all even though they have material and academic accomplishments. Personally I have encountered such instances. I compassionately advise and encourage people to be mindful so that they can achieve inner happiness. This can be achieved through the uprooting of dangerous and unwholesome thoughts such as anger, jealousy and hatred.
The human mind and the thoughts that it generates are amazing and complex. It is a difficult task to explain this complex thing. How does the mind work or operate? How do thoughts constantly and continuously change? However a person who practices mindfulness will ultimately understand the nature of the mind and achieve innermost happiness and peace.
Once the Gautama Buddha said thus:
“Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that changes so quickly as the mind. It is not easy to give a simile for how quickly the mind changes.”
If you are not mindful, you may be entangled in issues and be perplexed. Then anger arises in you. Often leaders, chiefs or superiors swiftly victimize themselves and deeply suffer. Such ferocious people are never silent and never look inwardly. Such cruel people victimize and persecute other innocent people in their surroundings.This takes place everywhere in society.
We need to start being mindful from childhood. All activities of one’s own life must be mindfully observed. Then one becomes capable to minimize one’s mistakes and will never permit negative thoughts to generate.
The person who honestly practices mindfulness diligently trains and tames the mind. He or she compassionately encourages others to practice mindfulness because this person is fully aware of the wholesome outcome and benefit of this practice.
Most Westerners have wholeheartedly embraced what the great master, the Buddha, inculcated twenty six centuries ago. They honestly and assiduously practice the Dhamma to have a meaningful and peaceful life. Now multitudes of people believe in and understand that the training and purification of the mind is very important and a prime factor as a human being.
Lack of mindfulness will definitely lead you to a catastrophic conclusion. Unmindful and furious people have no inner peace at all even though they have material and academic accomplishments
Once the Gautama Buddha said, “Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that when undeveloped leads to such great harm as the mind. An undeveloped mind leads to great harm.”
“Bhikkhus. I do not see even one other thing that when developed leads to such great good as the mind. A developed mind leads to great good.”
The lack of training and practice will definitely lead to a catastrophic situation. Most people are mentally depressed and psychologically traumatized. Some of them are undergoing multifarious therapies and treatments to get rid of agony and tribulation. Unfortunately some innocent people are in the dark and are brutally detained in their own cells due to domestic violence and the atrocious acts of their own partners.
“Volition is the Karma or Intention is the karma” the Buddha once said. No one can escape from the effects of action. Repercussions and benefits of one’s action will follow a person like a shadow.
Be mindful of your own thoughts. Don’t let them defile and contaminate your mind.
Keep your mind always pure and unblemished. This will lead you to innermost peace and happiness.
This article was Published in Daily Mirror newspaper on 05 October 2017