It’s shocking and unfathomable. It’s difficult and psychologically challenging. When one runs one’s eyes over some news and reports, both in printed and digital media in Sri Lanka, what we see is unbelievable. Changing the face of humanity is horrendous. Multifarious stories and various reports of cruelty and brutality are inundated.
The majority of people believed that by changing the faces of government and authorities would help reform and transform the nature of violence. People are still having hope and remain enduring for change to occur. Manner and demeanour of Good Governance is appropriate for well cultured and well-mannered people, but not for the majority of Sri Lankans.
We need a leader like Late Lee Kwan Yew who pragmatically established Law and Order for every single citizen in Singapore. We need a DICTATOR who doesn’t make his own family prosperous and wealthy. We need a leader who is impartial and desirous to build a nation.
We need a leader like Late Lee Kwan Yew who pragmatically established Law and Order for every single citizen in Singapore
Now the government must completely change the compulsory requirements and basic qualifications to be a member of parliament as constituted in the Bhutan Constitution. In that commendable and venerable constitution, they have included college degree as a minimum academic qualification and age between 25 and 65. Even the king is subject to impeachment. Bhutan is a Buddhist country and its people are proud to say that they have democracy. I personally think this may not even be a part of our dreams as Sri Lankans.
Now we have sunk in the depths of a political quagmire.
Testimonies, stories and reports of victims are shocking and heartbreaking. I wonder whether perpetrators and offenders are humans or BEASTS.
Most of them are so called educated and hold numerous paper qualifications to boast and bluster in public. Both young children and female partners are inexpressible victims in our human society today. Most of them have covered the reality with their own masks and camouflages. Their true dispositions and tendencies are concealed, but unknowingly expose the reality and authenticity when hidden tendencies arise within. Mentally weak and intellectually short-sighted people aren’t capable of managing or governing their unwholesome temperaments. Somehow they corporeally manage and physically govern their own possessions and assets.
From our childhood we have gradually studied and learned various subjects. Most of us try our utmost to master techniques and courses to accomplish certain qualifications. but most of them haven’t and don’t learn and train themselves on how to be compassionate, kindhearted, loving and gentle
Most of them have completed various courses, but unfortunately no one has done any training course for training and taming their pernicious and toxic minds. I personally feel sad for those who neglect and ignore very necessary training, in the subject of life. Our mental culture is despicable and contemptible though we talk about our outward culture. Most of them are aggressive.
They have gone through indescribable mental and physical agonies. Some victims are bold enough to take legal action against their perpetrators, but unfortunately some are very innocent and anxious. Some of the female partners focus deeply on their own children and their future security.
What I have learned from those stories, is that many male partners and some guardians of children are wild and cruel. They pretend that they are saints and very humane, but individually they ill-treat and brutally abuse their female partners and children.
Some mentally defective and psychologically damaged people in our society brutally abuse innocent and helpless people. Perpetrators and cruel people may think that they are very brave and victorious, but they are criminals and sinners in well cultured and a well-mannered human society.
In innumerable families, males dominate and are dictators. They foolishly cogitate and entertain themselves by showing they are superiors and eminent. However, according to Buddha Dhamma, they are spiritually weak and inefficient. They aren’t capable and able enough to control their anger and ferocious tempers.
Mentally weak and intellectually short-sighted people aren’t capable of managing or governing their unwholesome temperaments. Somehow they corporeally manage and physically govern their own possessions and assets
Some victims are constantly abused by male dominators and dictators. They make their victims completely silent by threatening and severely abusing them. Innumerable incidents are kept in the dark. Innocent victims always suffer. They are in pain. No perpetrator can understand their victims’ mental agony and how they endure physical pain.
Once the Buddha kindly reminded thus:
“All tremble in the face of violence, all fear death. Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.”
“All tremble in the face of violence, life is dear to all. Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.”
“One who oppresses others while seeking happiness must consider that other beings also desire happiness. Such a person will not attain happiness hereafter.”
“One who, while himself is seeking happiness, doesn’t oppress with violence other beings who also desire happiness, will find happiness hereafter.”
“Do not speak harshly to anyone; for those thus spoken to might retort. Indeed, vindictive speech hurts, and retaliation may overtake you.”
“When the fool commits evil deeds, he does not realize (their evil nature). The witless (foolish) man is tormented by his own deeds like one burnt by fire.”
One might think that these are only words, but my kind request is for people to experience the reality which innocent victims undergo and endure with severe mental agony and physical torments.
From our childhood we have gradually studied and learned various subjects. Most of us try our utmost to master techniques and courses to accomplish certain qualifications. Some may follow numerous training courses to train themselves in certain skills and expertise, but most of them haven’t and don’t learn and train themselves on how to be compassionate, kindhearted, loving, gentle, sympathetic, gracious, mild, humane and benevolent towards their life’s partner and children.
Most Sinhalese Buddhists blow their own trumpets about culture and what the Buddha said. Unfortunately everything is limited to words. Most of them are professionals and masters in words, but they are utterly incompetent in deeds.
They unfortunately accumulate unwholesome karmic energy in every single moment when they are overcome by anger. Unfortunately even though they are academically and economically well off, spiritually they are very poor and extremely weak.
Patience, tolerance, endurance and many more spiritual qualities must be cultivated and developed in them to accomplish inner peace and happiness. They think that their material acquisitions and paper qualifications will pave the way to everlasting and never-ending happiness, but ultimately before their last breath they will experience the same dose that they gave to their victims.
Not only in Buddhist scriptures, but also several researches and fact-findings in modern age have revealed the outcome of cruelty and brutality which perpetrators meet and experience in their very life itself before their last breath.
Please read Above mentioned book was written by Professor Nandasena Rathnapala
No one can escape from his or her own cultivation and production. An individual will definitely meet the consequences and severely experience what he or she has viciously done to others.
This is the Universal Law of Karma.
“Neither in the sky, nor in mid- ocean, nor by entering into mountain clefts – nowhere in the world is there a place where one may escape from the result of an evil deed.”
(Dhammapada by The Buddha)

This article was Published in Daily Mirror newspaper on 08 July 2017
